Is XCL an alternative to the LMS?
A dive into this new technology
A dive into this new technology
From amorphous blob to a practical plan
Three options for retaining control of distributed content
How to get started
An over-optimistic viewpoint?
Getting you going for free!
How to create content at scale
Eight step process to reduce the risk of buying software that doesn't work
What do you do to get Moodle ready once it's installed?
PowerBI and Moodle make a powerful combination, but not without some pain
There will come a point in everyone's software journey when they'll want two or more systems to "talk" to each other.
Can the industry gather around a common language to describe learning content?
Standards help customers switch suppliers more easily - in theory
Resources to aid the move
Some guidance to help create scenarios when buying a system
Your organisation wants to get into online learning.
You’ve most likely arrived here because I’ve sent you the link in preparation for our first meeting.
Considerations on choosing a content authoring strategy
What does it mean practically to be operating 70:20:10?
How to apply lean principles in content authoring
If you work in a medium-to-large organisation, you’ve probably come across tactical, online learning Solution designed to meet a specific need at a specific moment in time.
I’m afraid far too many people in Learning & Development believe that their LMS needs to be filled with content to be successful.
Lean thinking is a philosophy of continuous improvement that constantly tries to achieve a perfect state of customer-driven work with zero waste and maximum flow. Explore how it applies to learning in this introduction article.
Lean thinking is a philosophy of continuous improvement that constantly tries to achieve a perfect state of customer-driven work with zero waste and maximum flow. Explore how it applies to learning in this introduction article.
I discuss a model for corporate learning and the principles behind it.
I discuss a model for corporate learning and the principles behind it.
Jay Cross has left a long-lasting legacy for learning professionals worldwide.
I look at some of the key elements required for any mobile learning strategy – whether in the workplace or in formal education
Some ideas around flipped learning from today's EMLT winter meeting
As I continue my exploration of using "lean" principles in the context of learning, it's worth taking a look at what other people have been saying about it over the past couple of years.
Lean thinking is a philosophy of continuous improvement that constantly tries to achieve a perfect state of customer-driven work with zero waste and maximum flow. Explore how it applies to learning in this introduction article.
Using a version control system, like Git, can help ensure you release the right version of materials to your client, and minimise confusion. I provide a brief introduction to Git, and pointers for where to go for good advice.
I discuss the business case for implementing a content &document management system to replace a creaking shared folder.
I demonstrate the xAPI, using a simple Wordpress installation, using the Grassblade plugin and the Learning Locker LRS (Learning Record Store).
Slides and follow-up notes from my recent workshop on "flipping the classroom" at a university staff awayday.
The Experience API has the potential to disrupt the entire learning technology marketplace. This white paper explores that potential and how the various stakeholders will benefit from adopting the xAPI.
A post which outlines preparation activity for a short workshop for university staff on "Flipping the classroom". There are three activities: Read a research paper, watch a video and answer three questions.
Some will argue that I shouldn't have a separate elearning strategy - that it's all part of the learning strategy. Whilst this may be true for mature organisations, for many there is still a role for a document that describes where you're heading with learning technology, and the rationale behind it.
In this article, I explore what needs to be in place before starting an online community, and some generic tools to help you make it happen.
For many of the things I train on, rather than building all the content ourselves, could I instead take publicly available content, structured it into a coherent programme and then provide my own organisationally-contextual narrative around the content? Craig Taylor explores the question.
Does elearning always equate to a series of pages connected by next and previous buttons? In this post Craig Taylor explores alternative forms of elearning, without a next button in sight!
my friends at Kineo today hosted an industry workshop to look at their Adapt responsive elearning framework, and to discuss how it could be managed as an open-source project.
Building online learning materials and applications that rely on a certain screen size is, with the plethora of available devices, now not an option. Responsive web design allows you to focus on content without worrying about screen size.
Advocacy (22)
Coaching (23)
Content management (26)
Moodle (4)
Open source (8)
Project management (26)